Fratelli la buffallaga

One of the greatest challenges we faced with this project was the preservation of the building’s original spirit. The client requested that we restore the traditional Victorian awning design, and we also had to keep in mind that the end result needs to fit in with the neighbouring buildings. We were given little time to accomplish our task, and the high street’s busy nature did little to help matters. That, combined with the fact that the awnings were installed high up, made for quite a challenge.
We presented our client with three awning designs to choose from. After the choice was made, the task was put on priority and the installations occurred in the evening in order to avoid crowded streets. We used a light scaffold that could be easily put up and dismantled, to make the installation process smoother. To ensure the installation not only looks appropriate but is stable, we used top quality hardwood for the material.
The installation was a great success. The advertisement is highly visible and the novel design blends in with the style of the building perfectly. The client was very satisfied with the results which has paved the way for future projects.
Client's words
They did a marvellous job. The building hasn’t looked this beautiful in ages, and they did it so fast!